SIlk Dust

A text adventure set in a steampunk Italy in 1907

This game is free but the developer accepts your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the game.

Included files

Commodore 64 disk image
Commodore VIC20+32K disk image
Commodore 128 disk image
Commodore Plus/4 disk image
Commodore PET disk image
Commodore Amiga disk image
CPC 664 or CPC 6128 disk image
MSX tape and cart images
ZX Spectrum 48K/Plus3 (TAP and DSK files)
ZX Spectrum 48K (WAV files)
MS-DOS executable
Macintosh 68k disk image
CP/M executable files
Olivetti M20 disk image
RC2014 ihx files for the hexload tool
Atari 800 (48KB)
Apple ][ (DOS 3.3, 48KB)
Atari ST
Cambridge Z88

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